Long time, no post.

As 2014 comes to a close, I am hopeful that the treatments and surgeries will be a thing of the past.
2014 brought 4 additional surgeries, a scare that the cancer spread to my bones, a few lumps that needed to be dealt with and a lingering infection that looks to follow me into 2015.
I am feeling strong, am forever grateful for my amazing family and friends.

2014 was a year full of blessings. My son, Tom, was married. His wife Carrie is now expecting my second grandchild. My daughter, Tina, became engaged and will be married in 2015. Jennilee has found the man of her dreams and I am hopeful that there might be another wedding to plan in 2015 or 2016. Kevin and Jennifer are both doing great and I could not be prouder. My husband, Glen has been my rock and my knight in shining armor.
Other than the constant threat of the cancer metastasizing, my future looks bright and I am eager to embrace whatever 2015 has in store.
Happy New Year!


  1. Gen, you are an amazing woman and I pray that 2015 will bring you tons of joy, happiness and most of all good health!
    Hugs to you, love you cyber friend. Looking forward to those babies on cam.

  2. Hey there Gen. 2014 was quite a year for you. Wishing you a fabulous 2015!! Looking forward to another great CA visit to spend time with you. Love and hugs from your crazy Canadian.

  3. Happy New Year Gen! Here’s to a year full of joy and nothing but good times…and weddings! Note the plural on that. 🙂
    Love and Hugs!

  4. Happy New Year to You and your wonderful family! Wishing You all the best for this year.
    Love and Hugs from far far away.

  5. Good to hear you are doing so well moving onward into 2015 with so much to look forward too… Beautiful family!!

  6. I am So Proud of You! You are a Strong Woman. You are someone who is kicking cancer Out of The Park!! 2015 will be the Best Year for You! You deserve it!! :* ❤

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